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Nawino Manor
a Polish home to the large number of wild life and unspoiled nature call +48885122112
to make a reservation now

Nawino Manor offers a unique equestrian experience by entretaining a small number of riding guests. We offer a separate programm for non riders. We offer hacking, treking and trail riding. Every day we ride for around 4-6h. We explore pomern region of Poland. Our horses are well trained from jumping and dresage to trail riding. Our rural country side with it's green fields hudge foreste's and unfenced hills is full of wilde life. Whenever you are complete begginner waiting to ride for fun or are already riding competitively, our equestrian program will continue your riding development. A Day package all incusive ( breakfast/evening dinner/ trail riding 4-6h or riding lessons 2h/day ) Only 50Euro/pers/day.
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